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Rupes Backing Plates for all Random Orbital Bigfoot Polishing Machines (Velcro)


Genuine Rupes Replacement Parts and accessories

Velcro backing plates for the Rupes Bigfoot Machines, including;

Rupes LHR75 (Mini) 3 inch polishing machine & HLR75 battery operated machines

LHR15 (Mk1, Mk2, Mk3) 5 inch 

LHR21 (Mk1, Mk2, Mk3) 6 inch

LHR12e Duetto models, 5 inch

The Rupes Backing Plates for bigfoot machines are versatile, durable and high quality backing plates that are specifically formulated for their respective machines. This backing plate is a durable heavy duty plate that attaches to pads using a strong hook and loop pattern.

Each backing plate comes with a new fastening bolt.

They have excellent ventilation to control heat dissipation!

Made in Italy.