REFRACT Suede Microfiber Towel Ceramic Coating Applicator Kit
When applying ceramic coatings & polyurethane sealants on interior and exterior paint, plastics and glass It's important that they're laid evenly and consistently to avoid high spots and excessive product use.
One of the best ways to do this is by using a non-lint microfiber suede towel & foam faced backing plate. This method will ensure that you aren't using excess product & any linting can be kept to a minimum.
This ceramic coating kit contains 3 x suede microfiber 15 x 15 cm towels & a resuseable semi-rigid backing block with soft foam face to wrap the towel around whilst applying coatings.
Simply wrap a suede microfiber towel around the foam faced applicator and apply a 4-6 drops of ceramic or polyurethane product evenly over the towels face & apply initial firm pressure to a flat surface to evenly disperse the product & to 'prime' the pad.
From there on and throughout application just add a few more drops as required.
Dedicate 1 towel for paint , 1 for glass and 1 for plastics however more may be necessary if you're using a quick curing ceramic coating or the towel gets any debris built up on the surface.